Summer Colds? No Thanks! Here’s How To Beat Them.

Summer colds are the worst, right? There’s nothing like nursing a fever in summer heat and humidity. Or worse, ruining a vacation with a cold. For a lot of people, summer means travel, and travel can mean catching a cold. Airports, cruise ships, trains, and cottages have all sorts of germs and allergens that your […]

Prepare for Summer The Healthy Way

By now, you will have likely read a number of articles on how to get your “best bikini body,” or your “best beach bod,” or something of that nature. It’s spring, which means bikini season in glossy magazines and on fashion and beauty blogs. Our personal trainers and kinesiologists can help you with that, of […]

Shake Up That Summer Workout Routine!

The middle of summer can throw a wrench into your standard workout routine. It’s hot — and the end isn’t yet in sight. Plus, the heat makes everything seem to slow down, almost as if time itself has started to melt. Your 30 minute run usually seems to take 30 minutes, or 20 on a […]

Beat the Heat: Exercising Safely in Summer

After a long winter of spending 15 minutes gearing up before exercising outdoors so that you don’t freeze your nose off, summer exercise seems easy. All you could possibly need are sturdy shoes and simple clothes, right? Not so fast! Summer weather can be just as dangerous as the cold, snow and ice — especially […]