It’s Snowy: Eat Some Winter Veggies!

During this time of year, it’s easy to get side-tracked thinking of all the great meats and sweets that are traditionally served at parties and big dinner celebrations, not to mention office gatherings, cookie swaps, and activities for kids. So, how do you eat healthy? For one, eat your vegetables. Winter vegetables get a bad […]

Get Cooking Healthy This Autumn With Your Slow Cooker!

Now that Thanksgiving and Halloween are over in Canada, you’re probably thinking of how to get all your other holiday tasks done while staying healthy and keeping active. How do you keep up with all your obligations and meet your goals without succumbing to the lure of fast food? Enter the slow cooker. With a […]

Guest Post from Promenade Dietitian Carly Hochman: Snacking For Success!

Whether you like to shake it in Zumba (like I do), build muscle in muscle mix, sweat it out in cycle, or hit the machines, a hearty snack is very important after working out to help repair muscle tissues and replenish glycogen stores. A sensible snack should include a source of complex carbohydrates as well […]

Eating Healthy In The Fall

Between Thanksgiving, Halloween, and the seemingly endless chain of holidays between now and February, eating healthy can be difficult. It’s fall! All you want to do is a roast another chicken and mash more potatoes. But eating healthy doesn’t mean leaving behind all your fall favourites. It just means tweaking some of those favourites to […]

Eat Meat? Eat It Better. Here’s How.

Do you eat meat? Have you considered eating less? More and more people are going “flexitarian,” which is to say that they are avoiding meat and other animal products in their diets, but not entirely. In a recent New York Times column author of How to Cook Everything Mark Bittman explains the charms of flexitarianism: […]

Guest Post by Nutritionist Maria Pawlicka: Strategies for Beating Food Cravings

Food cravings – a strong desire for a specific food at a particular time – can make choosing the right foods at the right times very challenging for many people. When new clients come in for a consultation, I often hear them talk about their “cravings”. Most of them think that they can’t be eliminated […]

What’s The Deal With Juice?

You may have noticed that juices are extremely popular and trendy right now, with everything from organic juice blends available at your local grocery store to hand-delivered juice cleanses being hawked by none other than Gwyneth Paltrow. If you’re thinking of incorporating more fruit and vegetable juices into your diet, here are some things to […]

Let’s Talk About Juice, Baby!

Let’s talk about juice. Your kids love it, but you know it’s loaded with sugar. Also, it generates a ton of waste — those juiceboxes, plastic bottles, and cartons are just about the least fun things to crush down into the recycling bin. But the only alternative is to start making your own. So, is […]