2021 Challenge: Top 5 habits challenge of 2021

Let’s try something different.

Let’s focus on changing our ‘mind and thought’ habits. Only when we change the way we think will we change the way we feel and then ‘do!’

  1. Speak not anything negative. Try “complaint fasting” for one day. Then try it for 3 days, then a week. Then into months……!
    Remember, transformation starts with tiny triumphs, never complete overall change.
  2. Don’t buy what you don’t need. It might be easy right now in lockdown not to frequent shopping malls. But it’s really easy to go online, ‘add to cart and ‘check out’. But wherever the temptation is, whomever is persuading you to buy the latest thing, try to stay away from it. Some of the wealthiest say, ‘Frugality is a colourful badge of self-discipline’. Isn’t it?
  3. Keep a night journal. Before you sleep, each evening of 2021, record what you learned from the day, what you’ll improve tomorrow and where you are winning.
  4. Leave everyone you meet better than you found them. True leaders and genuine heroes are hope-bringers. They make people feel bigger, never smaller, in their presence. They inspire and activate other humans to own talents they didn’t know they had while achieving feats they never dreamed they could do. It’s important that we also find people for whom will do the same for you! Many will choose Virtual Fitness Classes as one way to stay connected to a community of cheerleaders.
  5. Hire a fitness trainer. All I know is that when I work out with a trainer, I push harder, am held accountable and find it hard to miss my workouts. As an alternative, start a running group or exercise hub that brings together people just like you who wish to make peak health a high priority.

In 2021, decide to make your productivity soar, amplify your fitness and give precious time to do good things for yourself.
We believe in you!