3 Surprising Reasons to Love Exercise

We all know that exercise is good for our hearts. It’ll help us live longer, it helps us sleep, and it keeps us trim. But is there more to exercise than just the obvious? Studies say yes. Read on for three benefits of exercise that may surprise you! 1) Exercise treats ADHD. Sure, you know that […]

Take 15: Workouts To Do In 15 Minutes

We’ve all made the same excuse. None of us have time to exercise. We’re too busy. But, deep down, we all know that’s a ridiculous excuse. And luckily there are exercise pros who have developed techniques for building exercise into your day. So whether you have seven minutes or fifteen,  an hour or two, there’s […]

No More Excuses!

We’ve all been there. The week comes and go, and we still haven’t been to the gym. Next week, we all think, next week I’ll go twice … at least. And a week later we find ourselves back in the same position, making promises we know we won’t keep.  But it doesn’t have to be […]

Run or Rosé? Try Both!

Do you enjoy a glass of wine? Of course you do. Wine is refreshing and delicious, the perfect thing to send off a tough day at the office and to accompany your dinner. Plus, with all that reservatrol, it’s good for your heart too. Or is it? Studies keep popping up, all with conflicting advice. […]

Should You Focus On Weight Loss?

Is weight loss the most valuable metric in measuring your health? It’s definitely important, because obesity is co-related with a number of ailments that can seriously impact one’s health and quality of life, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Obesity is also linked to certain cancers. One way to determine obesity is to […]

What You Need To Know About “Health At Every Size”

If you’ve spent any time online recently, you’ve probably come across the phrase “health at every size.”What does that mean? Let’s unpack the movement and what it means for your health. While there has been a recent resurgence of the HAES movement, it actually began in the late 1960’s with a Saturday Evening Post article […]

Women Should Lift Weights, Too. Here’s Why.

Are you afraid of weightlifting? You’re not alone. Thanks to misinformed girlfriends and bad gym teachers, many women have the impression that lifting weights will make them look “bulky,” or “manly,” or even “just push the fat out further.” None of these things are true. In fact, weightlifting is especially healthy for women. Here’s why. […]

Vacationing Abroad? Want To Keep Fit? Read This!

Are you visiting a foreign country this summer or fall? If so, you’ve probably got a lot of things on your mind: languages, currencies, passports, maybe even vaccines and visas. The one thing you shouldn’t have to worry about is how to remain fit and healthy while abroad. So, how do you incorporate your exercise […]

Why “Extreme Workouts” Are Bad For Your Body and Soul

If you’ve been paying attention to the fitness world at all over the past few years, you’ve probably heard of Crossfit. Started in Seattle by a former gymnast named Greg Glassman, it takes an almost militaristic approach to fitness, and prides itself on not needing much in the way of machines or accessories beyond a […]

How To Get That Runner’s High

Runner’s high. For over thirty years, it remained an unproven hypothesis. Then, in 2008, scientists backed up what athletes had been saying for generations. Exercise has a profound impact on brain chemistry, including the sensations of elation and euphoria that constitute “runner’s high.” Primarily, this has to do with the amount of endorphins released during […]