8 Ways To Keep Healthy While Traveling This Summer

Are you taking a vacation this summer? Then it’s important to take good self-care practices with you. It’s easy to let your health slip while you’re on vacation — you’re more likely to be eating in restaurants, staying up late, and testing your immune system against exposure to all the germs in public places like […]

The Top 3 Workout Injuries – And How To Avoid Them

Are you worried about hurting yourself at the gym? Don’t feel embarrassed — you’re not alone. Especially for people who haven’t pursued physical fitness as a goal before, it can be nerve-wracking to look at all those dead-lifts and planks. But while it’s healthy to be cautious when trying a new workout, it’s not healthy […]

When Is It Too Hot To Exercise Outdoors?

It’s hot out. Too hot. But is it too hot to exercise? This is the question facing both professional and amateur athletes as July rolls across the Northern hemisphere. Recently, players in the Italy vs. Costa Rica match at this year’s World Cup in Manaus, Brazil needed to take the Cup’s first-ever “hydration break” to […]

Exercising to Beat Back Pain

Plenty of people can power through a few aches and pains during their workout. In fact, some exercise can usually help with muscle soreness, and establishing a continuous exercise habit means that exercise hurts less over time. However, there are certain pains that just can’t be ignored, because doing so is downright dangerous. Today, we’re […]

The Real Scoop On Sunscreen: Make Sure You’re Using It Properly

If you’re gearing up for summer, you’re probably investing in a lot of sunscreen. But you may also be confused about how to use sunscreen, when it wears off, and how much it actually does for you. Part of that uncertainty stems from a recent statement from the Institute of Cancer Research that reveals that […]

Dogs Allowed: Including Woman’s Best Friend In Your Workouts

You’re working hard to get healthy and stay that way, but have you thought about your dog’s health? Obesity is an increasing problem among the dog population, just like it is with humans. Without exercise during the day, it can be hard for dogs to stay active. Over time, that can lead to boredom and […]

“Smog Days”: When Working Out Outdoors Doesn’t Work

Now that the weather is more pleasant, it’s tempting to think about running and walking outside as a form of exercise. And while you probably already know all the basics about exercising outdoors (wear sunscreen, don’t play your music too loud, always check for oncoming vehicles), one thing you might have forgotten is the importance […]

Working Out During the “Pollen Vortex”

What is the pollen vortex, and when is it coming to Toronto? The springtime sequel to this winter’s “polar vortex,” the “pollen vortex”, is the arrival of all the pollens from trees and flowers in the Northeast region of North America that would have been budding earlier in the year were it not for unseasonably […]

The Truth About Women’s Clothing Sizes – And What To Do About It

So, what’s the deal with women’s sizes? You’re one size at one store, and another size at another store. Sometimes you’re petite. Other times you’re plus. Meanwhile, men’s sizes seem completely reasonable: a waist size plus a length plus an inseam. How did things get this way? To understand this, we have to look at […]

The Truth About Chemicals in your Food

Are you worried about chemicals in your food? Many people are. But the fact is that all things in nature can be measured chemically, because all things in nature have some chemical substances. As you might remember from science class, water is a chemical substance. And that’s the key word here: chemical substances. So, what […]