Guest Post: Reflections on the CanFitPro conference

Me and my 19-year-old son at CanFitPro. Now that he's 19, he wants to follow in Mom's foot steps and be a trainer. This is his 2nd convention and he loves it!

This is a guest post by WFCC Pickering trainer Shari Coulter, PTS, FIS, NWS, BATD, who attended the CanFitPro fitness professionals’ conference last weekend. To organize a session with Shari, you can email her by clicking here, or call our Pickering club at 905-420-1520.

My Can Fit Pro experience is always positive.  It’s a time for learning new fitness trends and to get inspired for the busy fall season.  I like to give my clients a renewed vitality for goal setting, motivation and making a commitment to themselves.  I participate in workshops that will enhance my personal training business.

My streams of study this year included bootcamp with little or no equipment, dance based programs and yoga and pilates.  It is very important that my clients learn how to visualize the muscles as they are working them. They need to feel the muscle contraction in a slow and controlled manner with perfect form. Yoga and Pilates workshops help a lot with that technique.

When a presenter gives just the right cue, you get an AH-HA moment, which confirms just how important it is to participate in the convention every year!