How Being Fit Can Help You Keep your New Year’s Resolutions, by Suzanne Poirier

Today we have a guest post from certified kinesiologist Suzanne Poirier, who trains clients at our Bayview location! To learn more about how Suzanne can help you live a healthier life, book some time with her: call the Bayview club or email her directly.

According to an online poll, these were ranked the top 10 New Years resolutions:
1. Lose weight
2. Get organized
3. Spend less, save more
4. Enjoy life to the fullest
5. Stay fit and healthy
6. Learn something new
7. Quit smoking
8. Help others
9. Fall in love
10. Spend more time with the family

The great thing is, of course, that all of these goals can be achieved through fitness in some way! Here’s how:

1. Weight loss can be achieved by starting to engage in physical activity or by switching up your current exercise routine.
2. An energizing workout can stimulate brain function and motivate individuals to become efficient in other areas of life as well.
3. Investing in your health can actually help you save money in many different ways; cutting out a daily latte, quitting smoking, bring a lunch rather than buying one, preparing healthy dinners at home rather than eating out.
4. Engaging in physical activity on a consistent basis will help preserve lean muscle mass, keep weight at a healthy level and keep bones and joints strong; all of which attribute independent living and to being able to enjoy life to its fullest.
5. Engaging in physical activity maintains/increases fitness levels and keeps the mind and body healthy.
6. There are always new exercises or training concepts that can be learned to keep exercise routines new and exciting.
7. Engaging in a healthy lifestyle including physical activity stimulates change for other not so ideal habits, individuals who exercise are less inclined to smoke.
8. Being fit and healthy makes you happier and more optimistic, which will give you both the energy and the inclination to help others through volunteer work – or even just random acts of kindness.
9. Being physically fit can increase confidence levels which in turn makes you more desirable to the opposite sex, making connecting with others that much easier.
10. There are many different activities that can be done as a family that includes being physically active; hiking, skating, playing sports.

Any way you look at it, including physical activity as one of your New Years resolutions can benefit your life in many ways, and may actually help you achieve some of your other goals for the rest of the year!

What are your New Year’s resolutions?