What’s The Deal With Juice?

You may have noticed that juices are extremely popular and trendy right now, with everything from organic juice blends available at your local grocery store to hand-delivered juice cleanses being hawked by none other than Gwyneth Paltrow. If you’re thinking of incorporating more fruit and vegetable juices into your diet, here are some things to […]

Allergies Acting Up? Help is Here!

Spring flowers are finally blooming across Ontario, which is just one more sign that spring allergy season will soon be upon us. How do you stay healthy this spring, without allowing your itchy eyes, stuffy nose, and scratchy throat to interfere with your fitness routine? Well, one way is to work out indoors… at your […]

What – And How – To Eat This Spring

Spring is here. (No, really, it is!) And it’s time to start taking advantage of spring produce, so as to get the best of what the season has to offer. To that end, Foodland Ontario has a great chart of what fruits and vegetables commonly arrive by month. To find out about April, just look […]

Passover? Holy Week? Still Want To Eat Healthy? Read On!

Like any holiday season, Passover and Holy Week can be a challenge for people trying to eat whole, healthy foods. Brisket! Matzoh ball soup! Devilled eggs! Carrot cake! And when considering the restrictions on leavened foods and grains that dictate Passover cuisine, your go-to party and potluck dishes might be out the window come Seder […]

Do You Really Need Those Giant Vitamin Pills? Read This And Find Out.

With the grey weather persisting outside, it’s easy to worry about not getting enough Vitamin D — and not processing calcium and magnesium effectively, as a result. But are Vitamin or Fildena.net supplements really the answer? Walking down the vitamin aisle at your local grocery or health food store can be confusing and daunting. Here’s […]

Let’s Talk About Juice, Baby!

Let’s talk about juice. Your kids love it, but you know it’s loaded with sugar. Also, it generates a ton of waste — those juiceboxes, plastic bottles, and cartons are just about the least fun things to crush down into the recycling bin. But the only alternative is to start making your own. So, is […]

Is It Love… or Atrial Fibrillation?

With all the candy hearts available in the impulse buy section of your local grocery store this time of year, it can be easy to forget the most important heart of all: not the one you give to someone else, but the one keeping you alive. February is Heart Month, and the Heart and Stroke […]

Guest Post: The Truth about Eating and Fitness

Today we have a guest post from our very own WFCC nutritionist, Maria Pawlicka, who works hard with our members to develop amazing recipes and nutrition plans to help them look and feel their best! If you’d like to work with Maria, please feel free to get in touch with her by email or by […]

The Holidays Are Over. Let’s Get Back On Track!

Happy new year! The winter holidays are a wonderful time of year – full of cheer, good company and lots of food and drinks. It’s also a time of year when it’s easy to fall off the wagon for your exercise and diet regime, especially if you’ve been inundated with family obligations, travel and parties. […]

Recipe: Yummy Trail-Mix Breakfast Cookies!

Check out this amazing recipe from certified kinesiologist Suzanne Poirier at our Bayview location! To learn more about how Suzanne can help you live a healthier life, book some time with her: call the Bayview club or email her directly. We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but most […]