Try Tabata at Pickering Gym!

Try Tabata at Pickering Gym!

Tabata is a type of high intensity interval training (HIIT) that will push your body to the max. In just 4 minutes flat, you’ll complete a round of exercises that will rev your heart rate to burn calories – and keep burning them – long after you’ve left the our gym in Pickering. Your body is the only equipment you’ll need.
Why is it so effective?
With just a few minutes of high intensity Tabata at least 2 days a week, you’re likely to burn as much fat — if not more — than you would with 5 days of moderate exercise. Nice.
Here’s how it works. In a Tabata group class at our Pickering gym, you’ll push yourself to the limit with 20 seconds at one type of exercise (let’s say squats), rest for 10 seconds, then hit it again for 8 more rounds. Those next rounds can be other forms of exercise, like push-ups, burpees, lunges or scissor kicks. Again, give it your all for 20 seconds, and then rest for 10.
Your entire Tabata workout should only last 4 minutes.
Probably the longest 4 minutes you’ve ever experienced at Womens Fitness Clubs of Canada in Pickering, studies have shown that HIIT exercise is not only good for cardio health, but it also strengthens muscle.
What are the results of this intense effort? Fat burning long after you’ve stopped.
If you’re new to Tabata, it’s best to only workout twice each week until you’re in better shape. Then gradually add more Tabata to your routine – check out our schedule for class dates and times.
If you have limited time to workout or just want the hottest exercise trend going, try Tabata! A group exercise class led by a certified instructor, you’ll move to the music in this quick but intense workout.
Stop by our Pickering fitness center today!