WFCC Manager Joanne Gluck Rides to Conquer Cancer!

Last month, Joanne Gluck, manager of our WFCC club in the Promenade, did something very special indeed. As part of her dedication to fitness and to women’s health, Joanne rode over 100 kilometres on her bicycle as part of the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer, benefitting the Campbell Family Institute at Princess Margaret Hospital, one of the premier cancer research centres in Canada.

Here’s what Joanne herself has to say about her incredible experience:

“Words can never express how grateful I am for your continued support. Once again the RIDE was unbelievable! Not easy, but always reminding myself that my sweat and little bit of pain is nothing, NOTHING compared to what cancer patients go through. Words can never express the emotions evoked being involved in such an incredible weekend. $19.1 million raised not just for research, but for immediate treatment for those fighting the battle.

Thank you! Thank you for supporting my journey. Thank you for supporting The Princess Margaret, one of the top 5 cancer research hospitals in the world. Thank you for recognizing that the fight against cancer continues. And thank you for your donation – your gift will help save lives. You can read more about The Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer and the efforts your donation goes to support at

My awesome team raised over $67,000 – and over $350,000 in the last six years. I’m proud of all of them and myself for doing our part to fight this horrid disease which unfortunately has or will impact all our lives at some point. I’m so happy to say that my precious, beautiful niece Shannon is going to Australia next month for a year and won’t be riding with us next year…Love you Shanny! Her brother Cole will train and ride with us next year. That being said, I have attached a picture of my amazing team….the lense can go much wider…how about joining our team? We’ll help you fundraise and train. I promise, it’s a lot easier then you think. I would love you to join us.

I truly kept all of my donors in mind, and in my heart, as I rode over 200 kilometers for The Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer. Without your generosity, none of this would be possible.

From the bottom of my heart, Thank You.”

We are so proud to be supporters of Joanne in her Ride to Conquer Cancer, and we are delighted to have her as part of the WFCC team!