Tips for staying motivated!

Let’s talk, Motivation! Finding fitness motivation might be easy when you are starting a new workout program, but many women are curious about how to sustain high levels of motivation over time. The good news? You don’t always have to feel highly motivated to stick with an exercise program. Here are some tips on how to […]

Stop osteoporosis, strengthen your bones, and protect your mobility

Sadly, many people have no idea that they have been losing bone mass for years, it’s ‘silent’, until without warning, a twist, a bend, or an unexpected fall leads to a painful fracture in the hip, spine, or wrist. If you know someone who has experienced a bone fracture, you know how drastically it can […]

Move More (like your life depends on it)

Apart from strength training, moving more can help you live a longer, healthier life. Participating in regular physical activity can reduce chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer. As April is ‘Move More’ month, here are 8 ways to move more during everyday life, without having to block more time […]

How bad is inflammation?

It’s understandable if you think inflammation is very bad. News sources everywhere will tell you it contributes to the top causes of death worldwide. Heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer all have been linked to chronic inflammation. So, what can you do to reduce inflammation in your body? Good question! Before we get to the […]

Benefits of Online Classes

We are meant to move and many of our body’s systems work better when we are consistently physically active. some research suggests that elevated levels of aerobic activity (exercise that significantly raises our heart rates) may be associated with greater reductions in depressive symptoms. Although many things feel beyond our control right now, we do […]

Working Out at Home Like a Pro during COVID-19

As the world adjusts to life during the coronavirus pandemic, many of us are spending much more time at home than we usually would. Whatever routines we may have had just a few short months ago have had to adapt and change. And current social distancing regulations means that we have to adjust our fitness […]

Your maintenance plan during the holidays

The holidays are upon us and so are the gifts, snow, and most importantly the FOOD. Although this time of year is meant for celebrating and enjoying time with family and friends, it doesn’t mean we skip the gym and wipe out the 11 months of hard work we put into reaching our fitness goals. […]

Ways to stay fit during the holidays!

The holiday season is here. Now that things have started to open, your calendar is likely to get jam-packed with potlucks and parties. Somewhere in that busy schedule you’ve got to bake the cookies, buy the presents, do all the things and OMG…what are you going to wear to all these events?! Girl, we’ve got your […]

October 10th is World Mental Health Day.

October 10th is World Mental Health Day. Perhaps more vital this year than ever is any and all efforts to raise awareness of mental health challenges everywhere.  To mobilize efforts to destigmatize conditions including anxiety and depression and make strides to offer compassion and support to those around us who are suffering. We thought it […]

The Health Benefits of Working Out at the Gym

We’ve all seen it happen: finding the motivation to actually make it to 6 a.m. boot-camp with a friend or nailing the last round of squats when you see those around you powering through. There is something to be said about the power of working out in a group — but what is it about […]