How Exercise Benefits Your Skin

Remember those girls in middle school who didn’t want to run hard in gym class because their mascara would melt off? Who didn’t want to shower after class because it would mess up their hair? Now that we’re all grownups, we can see these fears for how silly they are. (Your gym teacher was right: […]

Avoiding the Temptation of the Fad Diet

Have you ever fallen for a crazy fad diet? You’re not alone. From cabbage soup to cayenne pepper, people have come up with strange and even harmful ways of losing weight. But maybe all that is about to change. Recently, Dr. David Katz at Yale University’s Prevention Research Centre was asked by Annual Reviews (a […]

Plus Sized? You Deserve Amazing Activewear, Too.

For plus-sized women, trying to find cute clothes can be a drag. It’s no fun to discover that your favourite retailer’s plus-size clothes are all online, or that their straight sizes end at a 12, or that all the plus-sized options are basically just tent-shaped blouses and stirrup pants. And it’s even more difficult when […]

Get Your Spring Groove On With New Workout Shoes! [INFOGRAPHIC]

Someday soon, winter will be over. Then it will be time to start going outside again. (“Outside” is a real place, we promise. It is not a mythical land populated by unicorns and leprechauns. Sometimes the sun even shines there.) If you decide to make the great outdoors part of your workout, you’ll obviously have […]

Use Your Smartphone to Help You Stay On Track!

So, you’ve resolved to become healthier this year. How are you going about fulfilling that promise to yourself? And more importantly, how will you know that you’re actually working to make it happen? This is where keeping a journal can be important. Just like balancing your chequebook or looking at the progress of your RRSP, […]

Beating the Winter Blues

Is this seemingly-endless winter getting you down? You’re not alone. The Associated Press wrote a whole column on cabin fever, last month. Toronto heralded the first of March with yet another snowfall, and temperatures have continued to drop since. With conditions like these, it’s easy to fall into a seasonal depression. Seasonal affective disorder, or […]

Should You Exercise While Sick?

Should you exercise when you’re sick? With this long winter, you’ve probably caught your share of bugs — you may even be enduring one right now — and if so, you’ve likely wondered what to do about your routine in the face of it. Should you come to the gym? If you can’t make it, […]

New Guest Feature: Jenn’s Journey to Fitness!

We’re very excited to introduce our brand-new blog feature: Jenn’s Journey! Womens Fitness Clubs of Canada member Jenn works for Moms’ Town, an organization that connects mothers all over Canada. And she’s also working on herself and her level of fitness, with the amazing WFCC team! In her own words: Hello, my name is Jenn. […]

Relaxation: An Important Part of Fitness!

We all know that regular exercise is important, which is why we try to offer you great locations, hours, and classes in which to make activity part of your everyday routine. But what do you do in between? How can you make your next workout your best workout, even when you’re not training? Actually, there […]

It’s A Polar Vortex… Time To Get In Shape For Winter Sports!

Winter sports season is in full swing, which means it’s time to lace up those skates, skis,snowshoes, and snowboards and get out there to make the most of it. Maybe you have a family trip planned, or a romantic getaway to the chalet, or maybe you just want to beat the winter blues with some adrenaline. Either […]