Why Join A Gym, Anyway? Here’s Why.

What are the benefits of going to a gym? Why should you join WFCC? Well, aside from providing a great environment for exercise, gyms have a lot of benefits that you might not be aware of. If you’re trying to decide whether to work out at home or whether to join a gym, consider these […]

A Lifetime of Yoga

If you’ve never tried it for yourself, you probably at least have one friend who practises yoga. One of them may even be one of those practitioners who claims that yoga can cure just about everything that ails you. While that in itself isn’t true, yoga does hold a ton of health benefits for people […]

Beat the Heat This Summer with WFCC!

With extreme heat alerts throughout Toronto and the GTA, we realize you might want some tips on how to beat the heat and stay fit. Don’t go outside unless you have to. Extreme heat alerts are not to be taken lightly. You should pay attention to them, and don’t venture outdoors unless you have to. […]

Whistle While You Work (Out)!

Most of us listen to music (or television, or podcasts) as we work out. If you’ve ever used a workout video, you’ll have heard the dulcet tones of the Casio keyboard somewhere in the background. But all that music isn’t just to keep you from getting bored, or to help you maintain your pace. Did […]

Guest Post: What’s so Personal about Personal Training?

Today’s guest post is brought to you by WFCC Promenade personal trainer Randy Brotman. Randy’s goal as a trainer is to help her clients establish and maintain a level of fitness that allows them to actively participate in their day to day activities, as well as to train toward a specific goal such as, participating […]

Summer Colds? No Thanks! Here’s How To Beat Them.

Summer colds are the worst, right? There’s nothing like nursing a fever in summer heat and humidity. Or worse, ruining a vacation with a cold. For a lot of people, summer means travel, and travel can mean catching a cold. Airports, cruise ships, trains, and cottages have all sorts of germs and allergens that your […]

Move of the Week with Heather Chapman: The Hang

There’s a new Diva of Demonstration in town: personal trainer and kinesiologist Heather Chapman! She’ll be doing our Move of the Week feature from now on: each week, Heather teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a session with Heather, please call our Promenade location; to work with any of our other personal […]

Move of the Week with Heather Chapman: Weighted Sumo Squat

There’s a new Diva of Demonstration in town: personal trainer and kinesiologist Heather Chapman! She’ll be doing our Move of the Week feature from now on: each week, Heather teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a session with Heather, please call our Promenade location; to work with any of our other personal […]

Boost Your Bone Health at WFCC

One great benefit of exercise is improving bone health. Our skeletons are the foundations of our bodies, and it’s tough to lead an active, fulfilling life if your bones are brittle or weak. Women are especially susceptible to osteoporosis as they age. Their bones can become more porous and vulnerable to breakage or shattering unless […]

Move of the Week with Heather Chapman: Side Plank with Clam Shell

Sadly, Jana McDermid has left WFCC as she’s moved away… we’ll miss you, Jana! But there’s a new Diva of Demonstration in town: personal trainer and kinesiologist Heather Chapman! She’ll be doing our Move of the Week feature from now on: each week, Heather teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a […]