Introducing NEW Classes at WFCC Promenade!

We are delighted to announce that WFCC Promenade has a whole set of new classes… and they are FANTASTIC! We now offer Zumba Tone: still the same great Zumba, with the addition of toning weights and added moves for body a full-body-sculpting hour of fun! We have a new class on Friday mornings called TGIF. This is […]

Shopping with Food Sensitivities: Fill Your Cart The Right Way

Do you have a food sensitivity or allergy? Contact one of WFCC’s registered nutritionists to help you figure out where your problems may lie – and how eating properly and exercising might help. Food allergies and sensitivities in Canada are on the rise. With increasing awareness of these issues, each year more people become diagnosed. According to Health […]

Fit for Life: Pilates and the Art of Aging Gracefully

Ready to get into Pilates? You can see the Pilates classes offered by WFCC here, or you can work with one of our excellent personal trainers to do some one-on-one Pilates work! Get in touch to see how we can help. You’ve probably heard about the seemingly never-ending list of celebrities who are devotees of Pilates. But […]

Don’t Stop Moving: How to Stay Motivated When You Hit a Plateau

It’s a common story. You’ve been dedicated to your workout and nutrition plan, but you feel like you’ve hit a wall. You keep exercising, but you’re not seeing the same dramatic changes that you did when you first got into the swing of your routine. When you “hit a plateau” in your fitness or weight loss goals, […]

Downward Dog, Upward Soul: 3 Benefits of Yoga for Women as they Age

As many women age they may feel resigned to the telltale signs of the aging process and how they manifest in the body– decreased endurance, flexibility, bone density, muscle mass and general fitness level. Although there’s no way to turn back the clock, numerous studies have shown that being active at every stage of life has positive benefits […]

How To Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Feast: 3 Great Tips

Thanksgiving is all about appreciating the good things in our lives – no matter what form they come in. Traditionally that means spending time with your friends and family and enjoying a fantastic meal together. That being said, holidays can also be stressful for a number of a reasons – preparing a large meal for many people, having […]

GI-Low: 10 Great Low-Glycemic-Index Foods (And Why They Matter)

You’ve probably heard about “low-GI” foods, and how they can benefit your health. But what does “GI” mean, anyway? And why does it matter? Today, we get to the bottom of the Glycemic Index – literally! – and help you understand what it means for your health. The Glycemic Index (GI) is a scale that […]

6 Important Tips for Exercising If You Have an Autoimmune Disorder

Chronic joint or muscle pain, extreme fatigue, difficulty sleeping, weakness, nausea, headache, depression – these are all symptoms you may experience if you are living with an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders arise when the body’s immune system, which is meant to protect you from disease and infection, mistakenly attacks healthy cells as if they were […]

The 3 Greatest Health Benefits of Exercise

It’s never too early (or too late) to start thinking about exercise as a valuable part of your health regime. You don’t have to look like a fitness model, or even be at your ideal body yet: investing just a few hours a week can yield impressive benefits. The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommends adults […]

Guest Post: Antioxidants vs. Free Radicals: Help The Good Guys Win!

This is a guest post by Lori Kennedy of WOW! Weight Loss, the nutrition program available at all WFCC clubs. Find out more at their website, or follow them on Twitter @woww8loss! If you’re interested in getting into a healthy eating groove, you can email Lori directly, too. You hear it all the time: TV […]