
Having lubricated, mobile hamstrings allows the lower body joints to function optimally. When the muscles at the backs of the legs are tight, you may suffer with low back, knee and/ or foot pain. This can also cause the natural curvature in the lower back to flatten, increasing pain and instability in that area. Try […]

Let’s Celebrate National Health Day

There are so many benefits to being physically active! Potentially most salient these days is how regular exercise can help protect against severe side effects associated with Covid.  A recent study involving almost 50,000of adults who developed Covid showed that those who had been active before falling ill were significantly less likely to need […]

Moments That Take Your Breath Away

Meg Sharp, WFCC Director of Training & Education First kisses… The first time you hold a newborn baby in your arms… Watching that same baby take their first steps, ride a bike, graduate from college, get married…  Locking eyes with your longtime partner and realizing you are still so much in love… Moments that take […]

How this pandemic may be impacting your brain

There is so much we cannot predict or control.  This can create chronic anxiety and stress.  It certainly impacts our mood, energy and overall heath.  And may even affect the tissue in our brains. Shy of one year into the pandemic people are feeling defeated, foggy, tired and overwhelmed.  As troubling is the accompanying lack […]

Running Mechanics 101

Runners, runners, runners…  they are everywhere!  I myself took the winter off running and am now finding myself pounding the gravel every other day.  Ouf.  Running is an incredible activity.  Great stimulation for the heart, lungs and the muscles…  it’s a great excuse to get outside…  and all you need to do it pop on […]

Just Breathe

It’s so difficult not to feel stressed.  There is so much uncertainty.  So much we cannot control. But you can control your breathing.  Try to take a moment today, slow down a little, relax a little, take in all the little things in your life that make you smile.  Be grateful, gracious and breathe. How […]

Health Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

  There are many health benefits to working outside.  Here are just a few reasons why:    A 15 to 30 minute workout in the sunshine also provides your daily dose of vitamin D. Take advantage of the spring sunshine and get in your daily requirements.   Get a better workout in less time. Studies […]

Can we say it here – Women and Men are not the same?

As fitness experts, we openly acknowledge the specific differences between men’s and women’s physical bodies. Most women have wider hips relative to where their knees sit, creating a unique challenge in relation to ensuring our knees track safely when we run, dance, ski and bike. We are far more dominant in lower body strength when […]

Exercise Powers Weight Loss

By Meg Sharp. Director of Training and Education WFCC Inspiration of the Day: “Everything is hard before it is easy.” -Goethe Typically, the most powerful factor in successful weight loss is dietary change. That doesn’t change how vital exercise is. In fact, regular exercise in conjunction with caloric restriction supports more favourable weight loss results […]

Many of us are working from home, slumped over our computers

So, let’s explore ‘better posture’ and what this means: This is not a one size fits all proposition. There is no “perfect posture” that we can take a snapshot of and then try to mold, twist, torque into to get an optimal result. Each of you has a unique body. With different skeletal and muscle […]