Staying Motivated During the Holidays

Staying motivated to exercise during the holidays can be a challenge, especially with all of the distractions, family and friends, good food, and the need to relax. Here are a few tricks to maintain your fitness program throughout the holiday season, and Womens Fitness Clubs of Canada in Pickering is here to help you out with that.


Remember, the most effective workout isn’t the one that’s the most amazing – it’s the one that you can actually bring yourself to do. If the thought of your normal workout over the holidays makes you miserable, consider temporarily lessening your expectations – and consider an overhaul of your routine once the holidays are over.

If running on the treadmill feels like too much, start by walking. If pushing to the next level in your strength training takes too much willpower, lift lighter for a week. Doing something is better than nothing.

Make it Fun

The holidays are all about fun and relaxation, and there’s no reason your workout has to interfere with that. This holiday season, instead of browbeating yourself to push on with the same routine — and then being harsh on yourself when you choose to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” instead — substitute a fun workout for your usual one.

One of the most fun ways to change up your routine is to try a new group fitness class. Zumba, Yoga Dance, Cycling, and Tabata, will keep you in shape without even feeling like you’re working out. Check out the class schedule Pickering health club to find one that calls to you.

Schedule it

It’s tempting to have your holidays be completely unscheduled, but the fun things are more likely to happen if you plan them. Putting on your workout clothes or having your gym bag packed in advance can help remove obstacles to getting to the gym.

Set Goals

Although it may help to adapt your goals to the holiday season, make sure you still have some. Keeping them visible, like on post it notes, and tracking progress with a workout log or app can also help keep your intentions present.

Reward Yourself

Best of all, reward yourself for a workout! You don’t have to give up stuffing, apple pie, or egg nog during the holiday season. Just make sure you earn it with at least a minimal workout, and you can have whatever you want, guilt-free.

Make realistic plans that suit your holiday needs. Our health club in Pickering offers lots of great fitness options so that you won’t fall out of shape this holiday season!