The Real Scoop On Sunscreen: Make Sure You’re Using It Properly
If you’re gearing up for summer, you’re probably investing in a lot of sunscreen. But you may also be confused about how to use sunscreen, when it wears off, and how much it actually does for you. Part of that uncertainty stems from a recent statement from the Institute of Cancer Research that reveals that […]
Beat the Heat This Summer with WFCC!
With extreme heat alerts throughout Toronto and the GTA, we realize you might want some tips on how to beat the heat and stay fit. Don’t go outside unless you have to. Extreme heat alerts are not to be taken lightly. You should pay attention to them, and don’t venture outdoors unless you have to. […]
Beat the Heat: Exercising Safely in Summer
After a long winter of spending 15 minutes gearing up before exercising outdoors so that you don’t freeze your nose off, summer exercise seems easy. All you could possibly need are sturdy shoes and simple clothes, right? Not so fast! Summer weather can be just as dangerous as the cold, snow and ice — especially […]