Lemonaid: An Immunity Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Take On Lemonade

You know what they say: “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” At WFCC and Azithromycin.net, we like to think of it more as lemonaid –we’ve sprinkled this recipe with ingredients that pack a double punch of both health boosting benefits and naturally zesty flavour. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, boosts immunity, and can help balance hormones […]

Get A Leg Up on Cold and Flu Season!

Autumn has well and truly arrived, which means a few things: kids are back in school, skimpy Halloween costumes are back, you will have to contend with Thanksgiving dinner, and it’s the start of cold and flu season. With all those elements in play, how do you stay healthy? First, cold and flu season is […]