No More Excuses!

We’ve all been there. The week comes and go, and we still haven’t been to the gym. Next week, we all think, next week I’ll go twice … at least. And a week later we find ourselves back in the same position, making promises we know we won’t keep.  But it doesn’t have to be […]

Build Your Endurance To Get Fitter, Faster!

Endurance is an under-rated virtue. When we think of physical endurance, we might think of marathons or triathlons — festivals of lactic acid agony and endorphin ecstasy that last hours and require months of training. But every marathoner and every triathlete started training with a single step. They built their endurance from the bottom, just […]

Why Join A Gym, Anyway? Here’s Why.

What are the benefits of going to a gym? Why should you join WFCC? Well, aside from providing a great environment for exercise, gyms have a lot of benefits that you might not be aware of. If you’re trying to decide whether to work out at home or whether to join a gym, consider these […]