Don’t Hibernate… 3 Cold-Weather Tips So You Can Bundle Up And Go!

Okay, there’s no denying it. It’s cold. And with another polar vortex expected to hit this week (really, weather? Really?!), going outside is starting to look less and less appealing. And while the weather experts are saying it won’t be as bad as last year, you know what they say: once frozen, twice shy. But just because […]

3 Fall Veggies to Eat for Better Health

Gone are the days of tomatoes, zucchini, and local strawberries. Instead, the farmer’s markets are filling up with hearty fall fare: cabbages, winter squash, and leafy greens. The colours are deeper, the cook times longer. And the nutritional benefits of these autumnal veggies can’t be beat. Winter Squash When the air starts getting chilly, who […]

5 Great Autumn Workouts!

There’s no denying it. There’s a certain chill in the air, Thanksgiving leftovers are taking over the fridge, and colourful leaves are littering the ground. It’s autumn. Luckily, it’s a fantastic season for getting in shape. So don’t hibernate. Check out these 5 exercise tips that will get your blood pumping and your body ready […]

No More Excuses!

We’ve all been there. The week comes and go, and we still haven’t been to the gym. Next week, we all think, next week I’ll go twice … at least. And a week later we find ourselves back in the same position, making promises we know we won’t keep.  But it doesn’t have to be […]

Vegetarian, Vegan or “Flexitarian”?

As spring melts into summer and a wider variety of fresh produce arrives in grocery stores and farmer’s markets all over Ontario, it’s tempting to add more fruits and vegetables to your regular diet. But have you ever considered going fully vegetarian or vegan? If so, you’re not alone. Interest in vegan diets is on […]

Winter Workouts, Part 2: In The Club!

This is Part 2 of a series of posts about exercising in winter – even though it’s tempting to go into hibernation mode, it’s important to keep fit through the cold months!  Winter is in full swing, which means that if you exercise outside, you’re probably considering ways to bring your routine indoors. If so, […]

Move of the Week with Heather Chapman: Walking Lunges On the Treadmill

Welcome to our Move of the Week feature with personal trainer and kinesiologist Heather Chapman! Each week, Heather teaches you a great exercise to add to your fitness routine. To book a session with Heather, please call our Promenade location; to work with any of our other personal trainers, just fill out our online form and we’ll be in touch […]

Move of the Week with Heather Chapman: Group Plank Train

Our Move of the Week feature with personal trainer and kinesiologist Heather Chapman is BACK! Each week, Heather teaches you an important exercise. To book a session with Heather, please call our Promenade location; to work with any of our other personal trainers, just fill out our online form and we’ll be in touch ASAP. This week, we’re having fun with […]

Get A Leg Up on Cold and Flu Season!

Autumn has well and truly arrived, which means a few things: kids are back in school, skimpy Halloween costumes are back, you will have to contend with Thanksgiving dinner, and it’s the start of cold and flu season. With all those elements in play, how do you stay healthy? First, cold and flu season is […]

Move of the Week with Heather and Michelle: Straight Leg Lower!

This week, our Diva of Demonstration Heather Chapman got a little help from her friend… Michelle, our new receptionist at WFCC Promenade! Michelle is currently in school for kinesiology. The Move: Michelle is doing a Straight Leg Lower on an incline bench; it’s is a great way to target your lower abdominal muscles and build […]