The Best Month to Reset Your Exercise Routine

Resetting your exercise routine prevents boredom of the same old routine, improves workout performance and ultimately the results you’re looking for. You can reset your exercise routine whenever you need to, but there is one month that stands out from the rest.

Here are 4 reasons why September is the best month of the year to reset your exercise routine:


Most people begin new resolutions during the New Year’s, meaning there are more people around you posting their progress or asking about your own. It may feel mentally draining to have so much pressure surrounding you – feel ahead of the game and start 4 months before everyone else does!

Seasons Change

As we’re just about to pass Summer, mornings and evenings are still lighter than usual. This means it may feel like there is more time at both the start and end of the day to exercise. It’s also much warmer than it is in January (the usual ‘routine reset’ month due to New Years), so there is more motivation to go out and head to the gym!

After the break

Goodbye Summer, hello school and work! Summer is when most people go on vacation and take breaks from everything, so working out may not have been consistent during those weeks! Get back to a new exercise routine in September (along with all the other routines you’ll be getting back to) and start the year FRESH!


As we dive deeper into September and you begin to work more, and become busier in other aspects of your life, working out can provide various benefits you need to improve your daily life. This can include an increase in alertness and energy, an improvement in your mood, and overall productivity at the workplace or in school!

Need a kickstart? Check out these 4 Tips for Starting Your Fitness Journey | Womens Fitness Club (

And don’t forget…

Keep it Realistic

Don’t fall for Instagram influencer pictures! Listen to your body and start slow. Women at every stage of life work-out differently based on their biological needs and requirements.

Make it Fun and Mix things Up

Workouts don’t have to be long and hard! Remember, working out is beneficial to our daily life and movements. Make it fun by meeting up with friends and doing some group training!

Still having trouble with creating a new fitness routine? Our experts can help. Contact your local club for more information.