Exercises for Everyone

Meg Sharp MSc., Director of Training & Education Over the lockdown we became acutely aware of the importance of certain kinds of physical activity.  Specifically, as we and our clients returned to doing more simple, foundational movements, we remembered how powerful these basic movement patterns are.  For everyone. Whether you want to boost your metabolism, […]

Want to lose weight? Wait: Explore a few important ideas with us first.

Many people determine they want to change their exercise and eating habits with the goal of losing weight.  And while there’s nothing wrong having that goal, we want to remind you that weight loss is complicated.  Difficult for most.  And ironically setting weight loss as the reason for your behavioral change can make attaining that […]

Being sedentary isn’t good for you. We have lots of ideas that will help.

Typically, we like to frame things in the positive:  Why being active is good for you.  So while discussing why being sedentary can be harmful and dangerous might seem like a negative frame – it can be powerful and motivating to understand the negative health consequences of behaviour. Wonderful readers – being members of our […]

Just one more reason to be excited that our Clubs are re-open!

Would it surprise you to hear that working out in person, with others delivers many powerful, incredible benefits that you don’t get exercising alone?  Or virtually? This simple fact gives us yet another reason to be excited that our Clubs are going to be open again in weeks. And – we thought you’d like to […]

Getting Your Guys to Exercise.

Meg Sharp, Msc.  Director of Training and Education WFCC What drives men to sweat?  In celebration of Father’s Day, we thought we’d explore that very thing! Whether it’s your son, best friend or partner, we all have a man or two in our lives who we would LOVE to encourage to be more physically active.  […]

The History of Indoor Running

Jeopardy Question of the Day: “I’ll take History for 900, Alex…” Invented in England by William Cubitt as a prison rehabilitation device meant to cause suffering, this piece of equipment was soon being used in 109 of 200 jails in England, Wales and Scotland and was considered an excruciatingly boring and physically exhausting torture device. […]

The Amazing Benefits of Exercising in Nature

Meg Sharp, Director of Training & Education WFCC We’re not going to pretend the pandemic is anything to be super happy about. But we do think it helps to embrace all the silver linings. Especially for us, those that can have a positive impact on our fitness and health. Such as? Exercise snacks. Those 20 […]


Having lubricated, mobile hamstrings allows the lower body joints to function optimally. When the muscles at the backs of the legs are tight, you may suffer with low back, knee and/ or foot pain. This can also cause the natural curvature in the lower back to flatten, increasing pain and instability in that area. Try […]

For the love of cycling

What happens if a race driver shifts too quickly or skips gears altogether?  Best case scenario she loses efficiency and power.  Worst case scenario she damages her very expensive car. The same is true when we want to shift our bodies from a resting to a performing state.  We need to take a little bit […]

Because female bodies are different.

We’ve said it here before:  women and men are not the same.  Our beautiful bodies are created and develop differently. Understanding and embracing these differences puts us in a better position to continue to get stronger, healthier and happier.  In our very own skin. This week – for Women’s Health Week – we’re going to […]