Getting your summer body ready in a way that feels empowering and positive

Summer is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to start thinking about getting your body ready for those sunny days and warm nights. While the concept of a “summer body” may seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can feel confident and empowered as […]

4 reasons why people give up on fitness… and how to solve it!

Staying committed to fitness can be a challenge, especially when life gets busy and stressful. Despite the best intentions, many people give up on their fitness goals. But why does this happen, and how can you overcome it? Here are some common reasons why people give up on fitness and how to solve them: Lack […]

It’s time to get back on track with exercise

Sometimes, starting some new fitness goals means falling a bit off track, and that’s perfectly okay! Depending on your fitness plan, you can either pick up where you left off, or completely start over. Either way, here’s how to get back on track: Don’t expect too much from yourself.Adjusting your expectations is possibly the most […]

3 Tips to Accomplish your New Year’s Fitness Goals

New year, new you! So you’ve set your New Year’s fitness resolution. What can you do to maintain them? Here are 3 ways to stay motivated in accomplishing your New Year’s fitness resolutions: Track your progress Most people begin new resolutions during the New Year’s, meaning there are more people around you posting their progress […]

Your Guide to Creating Fitness New Year’s Resolutions

There are only a couple weeks left until the New Year, which means it’s time to make those resolutions! Take this opportunity to either create new goals or re-evaluate your existing ones. Need help? You’re in luck! We’ve created a guide on how to create your fitness resolutions so you can commit to a healthier […]

Fitness Tips for a Busy Post-Secondary Student

It’s already challenging to find a balance between work, school, social life, household tasks—basically everything in your life. How do you find time to exercise? We’ve compiled some tips to help you work out as a busy student. Schedule Treat your workout schedule the same way you treat your class and work schedule. Add designated […]

The Gym isn’t Scary

Many people are scared to go to the gym for a number of reasons. We’ve compiled a list of the most common fears and how to overcome them!  The fear of being judged When first starting out, it’s common to feel like you’re being judged based on your fitness level, or how you look while […]

The Best Month to Reset Your Exercise Routine

Resetting your exercise routine prevents boredom of the same old routine, improves workout performance and ultimately the results you’re looking for. You can reset your exercise routine whenever you need to, but there is one month that stands out from the rest. Here are 4 reasons why September is the best month of the year […]

4 Tips for Starting Your Fitness Journey

To many, the start of September = back-to-school, longer and colder nights, the end of summer, and essentially a fresh start. As author Gretchen Rubin wrote, “for many of us, September is the other January–time to make a fresh start.” Whether you’re thinking of starting your fitness journey or simply want to rethink your goals […]

Top 5 Summer Wellness Tips for Healthy Living

Summer means longer days, brighter sunshine, and warmer temperatures, which tend to help us enjoy improved mood, better diet, and stronger fitness habits. There are also a few summer-specific wellness tips and lifestyle habits to keep in mind for healthy summertime living. Here are some simple summer wellness tips for healthy living: Get your vitamin […]