Prepare for Summer The Healthy Way

By now, you will have likely read a number of articles on how to get your “best bikini body,” or your “best beach bod,” or something of that nature. It’s spring, which means bikini season in glossy magazines and on fashion and beauty blogs. Our personal trainers and kinesiologists can help you with that, of […]

Sweating Out the Negativity

How difficult is it to stay positive at the gym? We work hard to create a supportive environment and enriching experience at our gyms, but we know it’s tough to stay positive one hundred percent of the time. We all have some free-floating anxieties, and at the gym, when we’re already tired out, we’re even […]

Move of the Week with Jana McDermid: The Arnold Press

It’s that time again… time for your favourite personal trainer and diva of demonstration Jana McDermid to teach you another Move of the Week! Each week, Jana teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a session with Jana or any of our other personal trainers, call our Pickering location or fill out our online form. This […]

Move of the Week with Jana McDermid: Weighted One-Arm Crunch

It’s that time again… time for your favourite personal trainer and diva of demonstration Jana McDermid to teach you another Move of the Week! Each week, Jana teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a session with Jana or any of our other personal trainers, call our Pickering location or fill out our online form. This […]

Keep a Healthy Heart: Monitor your Heart-Rate The Right Way

As we’ve mentioned previously, February is Heart Month. And while we know you’re doing your best to eat right and exercise regularly, taking charge of your health means looking at all the data to make the best decisions you can. This is why it’s important to take objective measurements of your health. For example, the […]

Move of the Week with Jana McDermid: The Deadlift

It’s that time again… time for your favourite personal trainer and diva of demonstration Jana McDermid to teach you another Move of the Week! Each week, Jana teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a session with Jana or any of our other personal trainers, call our Pickering location or fill out our online form. This […]

Meditating On Your Health

After the holidays are over, it’s easy to focus solely on the health of our bodies: we gained a few pounds, we got out of step with our fitness routines, we feel sluggish because it’s so dark and damp and chilly. But with a month of winter yet to come before the social events of […]

Welcome, Kelly!

WFCC is pleased to announce that certified nutritionist Kelly Thomson has joined the team at WFCC Pickering! Areas of Practice: By utilizing nutrient dense foods and employing various lifestyle approaches, I coach others how to optimize their health encouraging long-term weight management. My goal is to empower others to take control of their journey by […]

Is It Love… or Atrial Fibrillation?

With all the candy hearts available in the impulse buy section of your local grocery store this time of year, it can be easy to forget the most important heart of all: not the one you give to someone else, but the one keeping you alive. February is Heart Month, and the Heart and Stroke […]

Move of the Week with Jana McDermid: Front Raise

It’s that time again… time for your favourite personal trainer and diva of demonstration Jana McDermid to teach you another Move of the Week! Each week, Jana teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a session with Jana or any of our other personal trainers, call our Pickering location or fill out our online form. Step […]