Total Ellipse for your Heart: 4 Elliptical Workouts You’ll Love

Even if it’s your first visit to Womens Fitness Clubs of Canada, you’ve probably heard of or used the elliptical trainer (also called the elliptical or cross-trainer) before. What you might not have known that the elliptical as we know it was patented by a dad – Larry Miller – who used video of his daughter running […]

Do You Know How to Row?

For most of us, the idea of rowing is familiar: even if we haven’t been on a rowing machine at the gym before, we’ve rowed on an actual boat or watched rowing at the Olympics. If we were using equipment that was totally new to us – say, for instance, Kangoo Jumps shoes, which are […]

Secrets from the Push-Up Queen!

The WFCC personal trainers and kinesiologists had lots of fun at the CanFitPro conference two weekends ago… but they also enjoyed some major success. Our Promenade personal trainer Sandra Agostini was the grand prize winner in a push-up contest sponsored by personal training and fitness guru Tommy Europe! We asked her to share her secrets […]

Guest Post: Reflections on the CanFitPro conference

This is a guest post by WFCC Pickering trainer Shari Coulter, PTS, FIS, NWS, BATD, who attended the CanFitPro fitness professionals’ conference last weekend. To organize a session with Shari, you can email her by clicking here, or call our Pickering club at 905-420-1520. My Can Fit Pro experience is always positive.  It’s a time […]

Getting Motivated to Move: 3 Ways to Stay Inspired

If you’re a WFCC member, or if you’re considering becoming one, you’ve already taken that first step towards health and fitness. But now that you’ve gotten yourself into that healthy headspace, let’s talk today about motivation – what it is, why we have it, and how we can keep it going. Most of us aren’t […]

So You Joined the Gym… Now What? A Guide to Getting Started.

There’s a great moment at the end of Finding Nemo where the escaped aquarium fish are in plastic bags floating in the big blue sea. “Now what?” one of them asks, once they realized that getting out of their tank was only their first step towards freedom. You might feel the same way when you […]

The Bosu Ball: Don’t Be Baffled!

This is a guest post by WFCC certified personal trainer Jana McDermid, who trains clients at our Pickering club. To book a session with Jana, just click here and give us a call, and we can book you right in! The BOSU Ball is one of the more exciting exercise tools to hit the fitness […]

Treading Rightly: The 10 Best – and Worst – Ways to Use a Treadmill

The treadmill is to the gym as the Shakespeare is to English literature; both are foundational, but how well does the average person know each of their intricacies? Since you’ll be on intimate terms with your treadmill throughout the course of your workouts, we thought we’d share our Coles Notes treadmill DO’s and DON’T’s with […]

10 Workout-Ready Meals – Read, Eat, Sweat!

Morning Workout Assuming you don’t get up at the crack of dawn, your best bet is a grab and go snack. The sooner you eat before your workout, the lighter your meal should be. A quick 50-100 calorie snack 5 to 30 minutes before exercising will do the trick. Here are some of our favourites: […]

Oh, Baby: A Post-Partum Primer for your Abs

So much changes after having a baby. Most of the changes are positive, once you settle in. But some of the new stuff – like the lack of sleep and shortage of clean clothes – is less welcome. Also potentially difficult is what having a baby can do to your body, even if you’ve had […]