Shauna Manning’s Fitness Journey

What started as a weight loss journey blossomed into an entire healthy lifestyle and lifelong passion for Shauna, a dedicated member of Womens Fitness and for 4 years. Her commitment towards constant growth to become the strongest, most confident version of herself is contagious in the best kind of way! We had the pleasure of […]

Stay On Track Snack: Nut-Free Energy Balls

Nothing is worse than being hit with an unexpected hunger pang while you’re on the go. Those are the moments we often find ourselves speeding into fast food drive thrus or in line at the nearest coffee shop for a sugary or starchy quick fix, only to crash again and repeat the cycle soon after. […]

Trick… Or Eat? Stay Healthy This Halloween!

Halloween is here, bringing with it unending temptations. Your kids get all dressed up, hit the streets, and return with bags of delicious sugary treats. Once you’ve divided up the sweets for your kids and their sugar comas set in, it’s hard to resist diving into their stash yourself. But how can you resist overdosing on […]

Run or Rosé? Try Both!

Do you enjoy a glass of wine? Of course you do. Wine is refreshing and delicious, the perfect thing to send off a tough day at the office and to accompany your dinner. Plus, with all that reservatrol, it’s good for your heart too. Or is it? Studies keep popping up, all with conflicting advice. […]

Vegetarian, Vegan or “Flexitarian”?

As spring melts into summer and a wider variety of fresh produce arrives in grocery stores and farmer’s markets all over Ontario, it’s tempting to add more fruits and vegetables to your regular diet. But have you ever considered going fully vegetarian or vegan? If so, you’re not alone. Interest in vegan diets is on […]

It’s Flu Season. Here’s How To Avoid Getting Sick.

It’s that time of year again: time for a flu shot! Cold and flu season is upon us, and it’s important to protect yourself, your family, and your co-workers from weeks of fever, congestion, coughs, aches, and pains. Don’t worry — it can be done! Here’s how. First, it’s important to understand the differences between […]

Get Cooking Healthy This Autumn With Your Slow Cooker!

Now that Thanksgiving and Halloween are over in Canada, you’re probably thinking of how to get all your other holiday tasks done while staying healthy and keeping active. How do you keep up with all your obligations and meet your goals without succumbing to the lure of fast food? Enter the slow cooker. With a […]

Guest Post by Nutritionist Maria Pawlicka: Best Foods for Fat Loss!

Everyone wants to eat good food, and many women are looking to lose weight and belly fat. But not everyone knows what the best foods are. I always recommend a balanced meal of protein, healthy fats and good carbohydrates: these foods will feed your metabolism, helping you to destroy unwanted pounds of fat forever! So, […]

So, Which Vitamins SHOULD You Be Taking?

Last week, The Guardian published an expose on the ineffectiveness of multi-vitamins. It seems that the vitamin industry is fuelled in part by a long history of inflating the results of their usage, and that taking too many vitamins can actually be quite harmful. In October 2011, researchers from the University of Minnesota found that […]

Should you go gluten-free?

It’s Celiac Awareness Month, so you may have come across sales on gluten-free products in your grocery store, or you may have read more news items than usual about going gluten-free or about the unique health concerns posed by celiac disease. So: should you go gluten-free? First, it’s important to understand that the only people […]