The Biggest Lie You’ve Been Told About Fitness

“It’s Easy” might the single biggest lie as it relates to describing fitness success…I absolutely cringe when I hear this nonsense. This is a HUGE reason why we fail in our culture when it comes to fitness and weight loss. Almost every TV infomercial, magazine article, or “fitness guru” blog continuously brainwash us with that […]

Holiday Party Prep: This Year, Do A “Pretox”!

It’s coming: Holiday Party Season. Tables laden with treats, creamy cocktails overflowing. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, sure, but it can leave your body reeling. You’ve got to prepare so that you’re not left heavier and more sluggish in January, with blotchy skin to boot. Our suggestion? A Holiday Party Pretox. (What’s […]

Say No to Sweatpants and Yes to Sweating It Out!

Now that we’ve experienced the first snowfall of the year, it’s time to hunker down, pull out our sweatpants, stock up on hot chocolate, and get ready to spend the duration indoors on the sofa. Right? Wrong. Forget about binge-watching your winter away. This is no time to let your fitness routine suffer. So here […]

Take A Spin With Womens Fitness Clubs of Canada!

We’re thrilled to announce our new arrivals: dozens of new spin cycles across all our clubs. We’re taking our spin classes to a whole new level to help get you ramped up and in shape. Spinning is a unique, intense way to get fit; it’s for people who are looking for classes focused on endurance, […]

Guest Post: Running a Marathon

This incredible, inspiring guest post is by WFCC Bayview member Claude Lukawesky, who ran the Scotiabank Marathon here in Toronto this year in honour of a friend of hers who was a survivor of assault. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like to train for and run a marathon as a first-timer, this […]

Don’t Hibernate… 3 Cold-Weather Tips So You Can Bundle Up And Go!

Okay, there’s no denying it. It’s cold. And with another polar vortex expected to hit this week (really, weather? Really?!), going outside is starting to look less and less appealing. And while the weather experts are saying it won’t be as bad as last year, you know what they say: once frozen, twice shy. But just because […]

Trick… Or Eat? Stay Healthy This Halloween!

Halloween is here, bringing with it unending temptations. Your kids get all dressed up, hit the streets, and return with bags of delicious sugary treats. Once you’ve divided up the sweets for your kids and their sugar comas set in, it’s hard to resist diving into their stash yourself. But how can you resist overdosing on […]

Stay In The Thankful Spirit This Fall

It always happens so fast. Thanksgiving arrives, bringing with it delicious food, family time, and thankfulness. We fill early October with that joyful feeling, the spirit of gratitude and optimism. We prepare feasts and overindulge, and we feel blessed by the people that surround us. But it’s so easy to forget that feeling once the […]

3 Fall Veggies to Eat for Better Health

Gone are the days of tomatoes, zucchini, and local strawberries. Instead, the farmer’s markets are filling up with hearty fall fare: cabbages, winter squash, and leafy greens. The colours are deeper, the cook times longer. And the nutritional benefits of these autumnal veggies can’t be beat. Winter Squash When the air starts getting chilly, who […]

5 Great Autumn Workouts!

There’s no denying it. There’s a certain chill in the air, Thanksgiving leftovers are taking over the fridge, and colourful leaves are littering the ground. It’s autumn. Luckily, it’s a fantastic season for getting in shape. So don’t hibernate. Check out these 5 exercise tips that will get your blood pumping and your body ready […]