Why Join A Gym, Anyway? Here’s Why.

What are the benefits of going to a gym? Why should you join WFCC? Well, aside from providing a great environment for exercise, gyms have a lot of benefits that you might not be aware of. If you’re trying to decide whether to work out at home or whether to join a gym, consider these […]

A Lifetime of Yoga

If you’ve never tried it for yourself, you probably at least have one friend who practises yoga. One of them may even be one of those practitioners who claims that yoga can cure just about everything that ails you. While that in itself isn’t true, yoga does hold a ton of health benefits for people […]

Beat the Heat This Summer with WFCC!

With extreme heat alerts throughout Toronto and the GTA, we realize you might want some tips on how to beat the heat and stay fit. Don’t go outside unless you have to. Extreme heat alerts are not to be taken lightly. You should pay attention to them, and don’t venture outdoors unless you have to. […]

Whistle While You Work (Out)!

Most of us listen to music (or television, or podcasts) as we work out. If you’ve ever used a workout video, you’ll have heard the dulcet tones of the Casio keyboard somewhere in the background. But all that music isn’t just to keep you from getting bored, or to help you maintain your pace. Did […]

Move of the Week with Jana McDermid: Front Raise

It’s that time again… time for your favourite personal trainer and diva of demonstration Jana McDermid to teach you another Move of the Week! Each week, Jana teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a session with Jana or any of our other personal trainers, call our Pickering location or fill out our online form. Step […]

The Holidays Are Over. Let’s Get Back On Track!

Happy new year! The winter holidays are a wonderful time of year – full of cheer, good company and lots of food and drinks. It’s also a time of year when it’s easy to fall off the wagon for your exercise and diet regime, especially if you’ve been inundated with family obligations, travel and parties. […]

Move of the Week: Weighted Plie Squat

It’s that time again: our fantastic personal trainer Jana McDermid from our Pickering club teaches you the proper form for an important exercise! To book a session with Jana or any of our other personal trainers, call our Pickering location or fill out our online form. The plie squat is a simple exercise that has […]

Move of the Week: Push-Ups

It’s that time again: our fantastic personal trainer Jana McDermid from our Pickering club teaches you the proper form for an important exercise! To book a session with Jana or any of our other personal trainers, call our Pickering location or fill out our online form. This week, we’re looking at a couple of different […]

Shake Up That Summer Workout Routine!

The middle of summer can throw a wrench into your standard workout routine. It’s hot — and the end isn’t yet in sight. Plus, the heat makes everything seem to slow down, almost as if time itself has started to melt. Your 30 minute run usually seems to take 30 minutes, or 20 on a […]

Jump! Jump! Join us for Kangoo!

Have you heard about the new Kangoo craze? Kangoo Jumps footgear are one of the hottest ways to get in shape and get your heart rate up. And you can sample a Kangoo class this week at WFCC: just click here for times and dates. Kangoo footgear was created to be a low-impact alternative to […]