Move of the Week with Heather and Michelle: Straight Leg Lower!

This week, our Diva of Demonstration Heather Chapman got a little help from her friend… Michelle, our new receptionist at WFCC Promenade! Michelle is currently in school for kinesiology. The Move: Michelle is doing a Straight Leg Lower on an incline bench; it’s is a great way to target your lower abdominal muscles and build […]

Be Your Own Best Fitness Friend, Not Your Own Worst Enemy!

Author Steve Young once said: “The principle is competing against yourself. It’s about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before.” This attitude is helpful in all aspects of life (which might be why it’s Day 7 in the “30 Days of GOOD” challenge), and it’s especially helpful at the gym. It’s why […]

Why Group Fitness Classes Are Crucial For Your Fitness Routine

Here at Women’s Fitness Clubs of Canada, we have an amazing variety of group fitness classes to help you reach your goals. We know that some of you are into hot yoga, and some of you are all about tabata. And that’s great! There are as many different fitness journeys as there are people on […]

Move of the Week with Heather Chapman: Plank/Squat on TRX

Our Move of the Week feature with personal trainer and kinesiologist Heather Chapman is BACK! Each week, Heather teaches you the proper form for an important exercise. To book a session with Heather, please call our Promenade location; to work with any of our other personal trainers, just fill out our online form and we’ll be in touch ASAP. This week’s […]

Build Your Endurance To Get Fitter, Faster!

Endurance is an under-rated virtue. When we think of physical endurance, we might think of marathons or triathlons — festivals of lactic acid agony and endorphin ecstasy that last hours and require months of training. But every marathoner and every triathlete started training with a single step. They built their endurance from the bottom, just […]

Banish Workout Boredom With WFCC!

“If you’re bored, then you’re boring.” Did anyone else hear that little truism from their grandparents, growing up? These days, it’s easy to see that our elders weren’t criticizing us for not being adventurous or charming enough, but for not getting ourselves out of our own personal ruts. And that wisdom — that it’s your […]

Off to the Cottage? Remember These Fitness Essentials!

It’s the height of cottage season, which means you may be trying hard to stay fit while away from the gym. Or maybe you’re packing up for a trip away, and want to know what to bring. For those of you in that situation, here’s a list of items that are easy to bring when […]

HIIT It! Get Into Great Shape with High Intensity Interval Training at WFCC!

Another new workout trend is making the rounds, but this one is actually backed up by science! High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) was studied by researchers at McMaster University back in 2010 , and they discovered that “…doing 10 one-minute sprints on a standard stationary bike with about one minute of rest in between, three […]

Keeping Up Your Fitness Routine When You Can’t Get To The Gym

Summer is here, which means it might be tougher for you to get to the gym. Between the kids being at home, wedding season, and vacation plans, you might just not make it into the gym as often as you would like. So, what should you do to stay fit? First, you can go outside […]

WFCC Manager Joanne Gluck Rides to Conquer Cancer!

Last month, Joanne Gluck, manager of our WFCC club in the Promenade, did something very special indeed. As part of her dedication to fitness and to women’s health, Joanne rode over 100 kilometres on her bicycle as part of the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer, benefitting the Campbell Family Institute at Princess Margaret Hospital, one […]